365 days

Aug 15

Good thing about having several relationships before, I mean not all at one time but after you have gone through relationships with different kind of people before is you know more about your own feeling and what you really want. I don't say that it makes u an expert in relationships but for me it's a way to know myself more. Each of us went through different kind of experiences. So, it make sense if we react differently toward a same situation. Well, I can't lie that part of it was an acute reaction, emotion driven decision. But the reason for the "365 days contract" was 60%  based upon those past experiences. In a different part of me say it's going to be like..okay,whatever. While the other portion of it says, nah..it's over, let's just forget about it.
The weird thing was.. I do felt hurt. Sedeh bah. I don't want to lose a good friend like him of coz..but staying as a friend at this point of time is worse. Of cos it's going to be awkward. I don't like that awkwardness... Err.. Pelik tu..just imagine. Walaupun mcm melampau pun ada.. Smpai sy unfriended and block semua. Obviously, it was an acute reaction. Hmm.. Xpa lah..dah tlanjur block..teruskn je lah. Haha. Until maybe at one point yang tu benda automatically unblock itself. Sementara tu biar ja lah.

Hmm..I intended to write this long time ago. But after weeks since I first started writing this post I only got the chance..er..mood to continue writing. Because... Simply because I think what I did was not really right. But at the same time I think it is good also to make it this way. I really hate awkwardness.

Ok.. Let's post this for once. Lama sudah betul draft post ni tersimpan sni. Kasi post seja lah. Oops..one more thing. Now..I start to question about all my decision before. Was it right when I decided to leave William? Hehehe.. For whatever reason, I think I did that right.

K.. Bye.. Till then..


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i can see u there...
