Bad weeks of my life... I mentioned before, currently I'm in O+G posting in Hospital Likas. It has been around 6-7 weeks I've been in this nasty place. This place is full of drama all the time. drama. Uurrggghhh! Hate it here. From the start until now.. I can't even feel a bit feeling of liking or enjoying this posting. No! I hate this place! 
At the beginning.. I tagged for damn 1 excruciating month! It supposed to be 2 weeks only but because my assessment went down to the drain then bah..tagged lah sy satu bulan. OMG..I did my assessment with a senior MO who wanted a 100% score. I felt like having a end-posting exam instead. Aigoo..i was only been there for 10 days that time..but expected to know everything. I guess I just been so was hard.

Ok, then after I got off-tag I got located as a "chemo girl". Waah..sound so grand but the job is like shitzz! In short, it's not even a doctor's's a clerk job, nurses can do the job, a pharmacist's job and the most appropriate word for it is..slave. I didn't learn a thing's ridiculous in there. I really really really hate it. How much I hated it? As much as i hated allergic to it. I rather quit my job then to continue to work there again. The job pressure me mentally and physically as well as emotionally...It's just like annoying! Another reason is the unpredictable.. So garang, and she like to make slave of people. Chemo girl is a nasty job, but i thing the nastiest is being a "runner". I can't agree when we spend our 5 or 6 years in meds school just to be like a "personal ass-istant" to dat one particular boss. The job description including to make her super perfect coffee..3 quarter glass of hot water with the coffee mixture, to park her car, prepare snack and food for her..and more unacceptable PA job in between,, lastly..some houseman job lah juga..ada lah tu.. Nasib. OMG! I dun like dat!! I found this place is full of ridiculousness.! But one good thing about being in that ward was it's far from the rest of the O+G world. It has it's drama of it own but lesser as compared to the world out there. Hmm..tomorrow I'll be working it the more dramatic world..haiz..buckle up Rose..U can go through this. Fuhh~ luckily I have this blog to write out my unhappiness.. 

ok..tu lah benda yang mau diluahkan sekarang..before I start to work again tomorroe. The only good thing about being a chemo girl is after the excruciating 2 weeks, u got 3 days off! But to day is my last day od.. huhu..x puas bercuti. Ok..actually..i wanted to write other thing..haha..meh buat other entry ja lah..

K..see u in my next entry..

dr.rosa yang lousy..


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