Stories update..

last time..i wrote some so called prelude or watsoever. Haha.. bah..dua bulan kemudian baru ada sequel-nya. Hmm..macam biasalah..ada masa..ada urge to write..but slalu ja separuh jalan. Ada niat ja tapi malas betul mau buka laptop and internet pun kadang2 hilang. Anyway..bah..meh crite2 dlu.

medical posting was over...
huhu..sudah sebulan d posting baru which is O+G, obstetric and gynaecology posting a.k.a all about perempuan. Semua sakit puan sampailah part mengajan mengeluarkan baby.. huh~ not a really nice place to me. I dun like this posting honestly.. T_T..
Last posting..Medical was more fun for me. Kalau dulu2 masa di med school, medical posting was the one that i hated the most. But surprisingly, I fell in love with medical! Ehhemm!.of cos there's at least a reason for that..haha. Dr. boss, my idol, my secret crush. Walaupun keja sama boss TTH for 2 weeks only but cukup..cukup best! It's the highlight of my 6-months medical posting. Boss is very bijak bistari, bertanggungjawab, berdedikasi.. sesuai sangat jadi doktor..ada huhu..flirty jg si boss tu. Suke suke.. hahaha..syok sudah.. tp pastu..slowly wean off juga crush ni.. sudah lama x jumpa boss ku. Recently heard about boss that he's going to transfer to Melaka. Huhu..boss~..belum sempat i meluahkan perasaan ni..LoL. tak pa lah..untuk hiburan semata-mata..haha. 

back in swach...
hmm..after several months in QEH, now I'm back in SWACH for this O+G posting which is not really my favourite. This place is full of bitchy and witchy people. Dun understand why people need to be harsh and rude for unknown reason. Malas nak cakap pasal org2 mcm tu. So my target is to leave this department a.s.a.p. Huhu.. I hope i dun be like those people in here later on bila sudah jadi M.O. Tak pasal2 marah2 org. Ui, org buat keja utk kw tau tak? Semua keja remeh-temeh houseman yang buat. Memanglah still ada slacking here and there. Biasalah tu, houseman, apa lg yang baru start..tak bleh ka ajar elok2? Huuhu..padahal sy sendiri pn penah marah2 tu kalu yg memang bangang tahap gaban. Contohnya satu budak ni baru start h.o 5 hari, bila tanya brapa kali da ambil blood c+s.?, dia jawab of cos many times oredi..! dengan bangganya dia. Amboi..celah mana pula dia buat blood C+S sblm ni? Skali check semua salah..tak tau pn mengekalkan sterility. Huh! bleter sudah sy sni..haha.

si dia tu...
hah..dis one also another stupid part of my entire 26 years of life. Ya ya.. u heard about him before..tu lah kambing seekor SM tu. Finally..thank God.. I got rid from him finally. Haiz... I dun like hating people bah.. my parents never taught me that. God never allow us to hate others but this one particular guy which was like a pain in the ass. Haiya..buat apa sy merenyek dekat setahun because of that guy who can't even get my name right. Membazir tenaga and masa and perasaan ja for the past a year for still thinking of him. Buduh betul sy rasa sy ni. Just look at what happened..i need to involve that so called innocent ka entah apa tu JG (memang nama sebenar) tu. I should have over him long time ago if I didn't in contact with him all that while. From my previous unpleasant breakups pun, the main factor that contributed to the fast recovery from kekeciwaan was no contact at all after the breakup. Hmm..sekaranglah baru sy terpikir betapa membazir masa betul si kambing tu. Langsung tak berbaloi. See...because he kept disturbing my life, and I kept on thinking of him I couldn't focus on the finer people around me. Haiz..but ya, it's actually better when u truly got over the past first before starting a new relationship. Sebenarnya..tidak kisah pun all this while I'm still being single while he already move on with other..i should have realize that sooner. I never been having any romantic relationship after him until now. Crush tu ada lah sekejap2 then hilang lg. 
I still remember the last time we contacted..entah bangang tahap gaban sudah kali sy masa tu. Masih x sedar2 lg dia tu org yang mcmna. Memanglah slalu sy yang's because I hate him s much. Honestly..from a good mood I became emotional, angry and irritated once I got his message or anything. Tekanan betul!.. I told my closest friends about him dat time and apalagi..dorg pun sudah lebih brapi dari sy. Mulalah sy and my dear friends bertindak kebudak2an...serang si JG tu. LoL..tindakan paling mulau. Nah..lepas tu barulah sy sedar sepa sy bg dia..mmg hanya mcm sampah. Mulalah keluar part "oh i'm an officer-berpangkat-entah-apa..dun try to blackmail me..ur friends are blackmailing me..mau buat police report..blah..blah..".."u will lost ur job easily..u are still under probation for ur job while i'm not.." so cliche..mau kasi report pulis pasal pulis..hahaha.. Nah ka lelaki yang patut dikejar2 ni? Bazir masa and maruah sy slama ni.. Adui..menyesal sy kenal org macam ni. Omo..apa salah sy sampai terkena orang macam ni.. sedih oo. See..he only care about JG's sake..only when he have to make promise with that terlebih innocent girl baru mau sibuk2 "I won't contact u anymore becos i promise jg od"...all this while when i said "dun disturb me"..smua mcm sampah ja bg dia. Aduh..sakitnya tuh disini didalam hati ku.. teramat sedih. Mimang lah sy sendiri pn penah mungkir janji x mau I told him was a mistake. This wasn't a good thing for me..i was just too stupid to realize it earlier. haiz..ladies..shud get rid of guy like dis.. I still can't forget when he said "we can never be together..we dun hv future together"..dengan yakinnya..but at the same time said.."oh, me and JG's future..i leave it to God..". While I was leaving to God about me and him before..he never did the same for me. Sedeh oo.. I may not be as perfect as JG yang dia slalu agung2kan tu..but i gave my all honestly when I was still with him without hesitation.. And eventho I knew it won't work out between us, i would never say such a harsh words.."no future..".. Asshole! Are u god? it's very sure for him there's no future.. He saw the future od..then why he's not sure about JG?? Why he cheated on her at the first place??...great..such a great man!. Oh Lord..bring me back to You Lord.. I have hated people too much. 

Nah.. everytime I think about him I always end up crying. Not because of losing him..but because I lost myself ever since I knew him. How come I became so stupid and blind bcos of him. Hmm..should realize that when we are looking for relationship, not only for the sake of "takut forever alone"..mcm tu kali si JG fikir tu..teda kwn lain kali dia smpai x pandai lari dr lelaki mcm tu.. haiz..kalu sy..tidak tahan oo.. Liar, penipu tahap gaban, tidak setia..pengkhianat di blakang... Ok ok..sambung ayat.. not only for the sake of takut jadi forever alone, but seek for the true and honest one. I believe in those things called true love and soulmate. Biarlah org fikir sy kolot ka apa. Tapi honesty and faith are important in a relationship. 

Ui nah..panjang sudah crita ni ging.. Ni hari adalah Hari Raya.. Happy Eid Mubaraak to all my muslim friends. Happy celebration. 
bah..lain kali lah update lg. I wrote in mixed language oredi.. lawak.. hmm..sometime i feel like my English become bad when i speak other language too much..hahaha..
Ok..till then.. I'll write more nonsense in the future as before.,hehe..

with love,


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