Is love coming slowly....? Or just too

Hmm.. How long it will take for u to recover from a deadly, super hurtful breakup and to start a new relationship with someone else? Some ppl wont take long, not even a u know who..him! Me? I really wish I can be like that.. Sob sob..sedeh! Buduh bah sy ni.. Obviously it's over.. I already in a most stable condition more more pain. But!.. Huhu..why o h dear little heart..please open up ur door to someone else.

To someone else....
Someone else like Mr. W.. Cuba ko tingu..apa lg kw mw cari na..??.. Cukup tinggi..muka Sino Kadazan, fair skin, non smoker, pandai masak..Christian..nmpk gaya family pn ok, quite a shy guy..and yg plg penting baik hati and nampak sgt keikhlasan dia.. Aaarrrgggghhhh! So stressed being like this.. See, tmbah lg..cuba ko ingat apa lg kunun yg dia buat? Yg paling sweet, hntr breakfast..hantar lunch n dinner d tmpt keja.....ikut pg church d Taipan...hehe..terharu jg bah tp..hati ini..hati ini..this liver..ehh..this ♥..knpa teda perasaan yg mendalam utk dia? Fikir2 balik..he always been there all the time. Although I always in my irritated mood when he ask Omaigad..i can be easily annoyed these days. He ask simple question but I can be so annoyed..malas bah sy jwb..then i just tell him honestly i was bored with him. Oh no..mcm ada kaca jatuh atas batu sy dingar..he must be hurt. Kejamnya sy..omaigad. Then the next few days he stayed quiet. Diam ja. At first I thought he already gave up.. No! Masih situ jg.. Then i got more and more irritated. Nda suka!! Please lah! Then ko tau lah sy ni kasar mcmna..nda bertapis ni kata2.. Then stayed quiet lg dtg balik. Later on he couldn't stand it anymore..trus cakap.. "I can't understand girl or what a girl want.. But I am honest with you, I want to know u more. I know u r still heartbroken and u can't forget ur past..". "it's about time and chances..we always busy with work. I know it's not the right time yet..".. But what i did when i got this msg..? Lol..snapshot and shared it wif my girlfriends..hahahhaa.. I  dun even reply him..kejamnya! I just ignored..mcm...krik krikk..whooshh~~.. Bunyi angin lg obvious. Honestly.. Of course lah..tersentuh jg bah sy dia ckp mcm tu.. But urmmm...ya.. I was not ready yet! Told him oredi.. I need 1 year to settle least one damn year.. Sabar kw sana mr.W.. If u ask me to marry u next year, I won't hesitate to say yes! So get ready by now.. Next year I will marry u. Lol..but seriously..? What happen if this really happen next year? Krik krik krik... Sy lari dulu lah.. No comment.

I remember the reactions dorg girlfriends sy.. Like..oo sweet o c W~~.. Waa this..waa that..~~. I was like..eerrrmmm..speechless.. Of course he got a lot of flaws too... I think he's a bit too soft hearted..soft spoken..soft skit.. Lol.. I like manly guy...rough and manly..hahahaha..
So dear myself...
If u still u can't forget about that u-know-who..u better be aware of this..
No.1..Have u forgotten when he said there's no future for u? Have u forgotten that? No..just remember dat forever. He never even think of the future about u..never! Jadi knpa ko mau think of him in ur future?!
No.2..isn't it obvious od..recently..he obviously too obsess with someone else..hari2 goole search nama gf dia to make sure xda org tulis nama gf dia..adoi..please lah llaki tu.. Ko jg yg sakit hati..makin lah teda hati sy mau bebaik sma dia..mgkin klu dia x obsessed mcm tu..mau jg sy bebaik at least.. Haaiz...
No.3..he gave up on u! Bru ja ko stress2 yg melampau dat time..when u really need him..apa dia buat? He picked someone else! Not u! He left u when u still need him. Ko pn satu jg..melampau perangai..patutlah org lari..but..ya..i wish he would stay..i couldn't stand it when he left.
No.4.. Are u happy being like this? Are u happy when u can't forget the past and when u can't really move on? No..u r not happy, rite? U still cry right? U still think of him and cry alone right? Berbaloi ka tu? Langsung tidak..  Teda makna langsung..
Haizz....dear little heart.. It's getting late...kejap lg habis sudah masa setahun ni. Jgn fikir lg pasal yang lepas. There are more people around u that treasure u more than what u think... So fikir lah bagus2.. We dun owez end up with the things we love the most. When u can love the wrong person dis much..just imagine how much u can love the right one.. Learn how to forgive so that u can's ok not to have all ur wishes.. Not all our wishes will lead us to happiness.. Just wish for the right path according to His great God more. Open ur heart to other...embrace others..appreciate other's honesty.. If love is coming to u then open up ur heart for it.. Give it a space in ur heart... 
Bah..ok..noted.. <--- sy jwb
Ok..saja mau meluahkan perasaan ni hari.. Haha..dun u worry.. I'm starting to have a..."twinkle"... Don't year i kawen..hahaha..yakin ja..


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